
When to Consider Roof Replacement for Your Home

Roof replacement can be a scary thing to consider for most home owners. However, it is sometimes needed. El Paso Roofing can help you with any roof replacement needs. It can be costly, but without a roof your home cannot do what it needs too. But how do you know when you need to roof replacement, and when you do not? There are two circumstances in which you should consider roof replacement. The first is after a severe storm, and the second is if your home is more than twenty years old. These two circumstances are the most common cases for roof replacement.

After a Severe Storm

If your home has just weathered a severe storm, then you should consider roof replacement. Severe storms would be any storm that had winds past fifty miles per hour, unusually hard rain or hail, snow storms, and sand storms that lasted for more than twenty four hours. These types of weather can damage your roof by themselves. But they also can cause debris to hit your roof and damage it. Heavy rain or snow for example can cause a roof collapse. It can also cause soft spots or indentation which can create large holes. You will definitely need roof replacement with these. Hail, sand, and harsh wind can rip tiles off your roof as well. Now, if your roof only lost a few tile, or did not get a lot of damage. Then you may be able to replace and repair the damage yourself. However, if almost half or more of your tiles are missing then you need roof replacement.

If Your Home is More than Twenty Years Old

If your home is more than twenty years old, then you should consider roof replacement. Most homes are built with brand new roofing tiles, but they have a shelf life. Typically twenty to twenty five years is how long a roof lasts. When that time is up, you will need a roof replacement. No matter how well cared for, roof tiles will eventually break. Now, this also goes for the roof beams too. These will also need to be checked and may require replacement too.

Getting your roof replaced is never fun, but it is necessary. El Paso Roofing has qualified workers ready to help with your roof replacement. While roof issues can pop up out of the blue, there are two circumstances that you should consider roof replacement for. If your home has weathered a severe storm, chances are it needs some roof repair at the least. If the damage is serious, then you may need roof replacement. The other circumstance is if your home is more than twenty years old. Roofs do not last forever, even with the best of care. If your home is older, than you should consider roof replacement.

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